It is written by the fabulous Olly Smith, who should be well known to all foodies from his stellar work on the much missed Great Food Live, Richard & Judy’s Wine Club, Taste, Food Uncut and of course Saturday Kitchen. I have to admit I’ve always had a soft spot for him, as his enthusiasm is actually catching.
It is called Hot Bottle, the e-mail newsletter he sends contains vast information about the new and exciting wines of the moment, and the great news is they are often very inexpensive so you won't have any excuses for not giving them a try.
Here is a small excerpt from the January 2008 mailing
The first Hot Bottle of the year comes from a serious winery to watch – Tulbagh Mountain Vineyards in South Africa. Their website http://www.tmv.co.za/ will tell you all you need to know about their approach of minimal intervention, but if you buy a bottle of their TMV Swartland Syrah 2006 from Waitrose for £12.99 you’ll get a glimpse of why it’s sometimes worth tugging open the wallet for a special occasion. This wine is made from 100% Syrah (same grape as Shiraz but usually produced in a less obviously fruity style) with 100% native yeast and no added acids, enzymes or other chemicals. Goodness in a glass. If you’re a fan of smokey bacon or indeed smokey flavours in general, this is the wine for you. It’s also laced with intriguing aromas of violets and a gorgeous long finish that surfs along your tongue like an eco-friendly slick of deep delight. Big wine, big price, big smile."
So you can go out buy the wine and then amaze your friends with your intimate knowledge of the wine you are drinking!
Now for the important bit - how do you get this invaluable information? simply send a blank email to subscribe@hotbottle.co.uk and wait for the marvellous Olly Smith to send you the newsletter.
Thanks to Olly for giving me permission (all the way from South America I might add) to put this on the blog!
Keep Smiling
Marmite Girl xx
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