I know it's been three weeks since my last blog, and I don't even have any excuses, I haven't been that busy, I have had things to write about, but I appear to have checked myself into a private suite in the hotel of "can't be arsed".
So what has been happening, well I had a party for the drama group, our Director was going back to Florida for the winter so it was a kind of Bon Voyage party, it took me 2 days to clean the house and make the food and it was all over in 5 hours but it was a really good night, the weather held off, and we spent most of the night in the garden, lots of people got drunk and we sang old songs into the early hours it was lovely.
The weekend after I had Cara which is always a joy, I put her to bed at 7pm and around 4am she woke and shouted for me, I went into her room and she informed me that she needed a drink of beer! not bad for a 21 month old.
Friday was our Company sports day, I didn't partake, Dawn and I were in charge of the soft drinks stand, we dressed up in aprons and hairnets and had badges that said Marge & Beryl complete with our MacDonalds type gold stars, we looked ridiculous as you can see from the picture, but we did have a laugh.
This weekend the girls and I did a pot luck supper, we put starter, main, dessert and wine onto bits of paper and then all drew one out of a hat, I was on dessert so I made a chocolate mousse and a lime tart (don't tell slimming world!) we had a really nice evening although I did drink a little too much wine and woke up with a bit of a head! There will be six of us next time so we added chocolates and cheese and biscuits, so that should be a huge meal.
I have finally booked my holiday after much deliberation, my mate CJ and I are going on safari, we go on 29th October to Tanzania then fly to Arusha for a 7 day safari, then spend a week in Zanzibar relaxing by the beach, it was ridiculously expensive, I have to have a zillion injections, but I can't wait.
This week I am going to Tenby for a long weekend, my Brother, Sister-in-law and Cara have gone for 2 weeks, so I am driving dowon wednesday and coming back sunday, should be brillinat can't wait to take Cara to Folly Farm and the beach.
So there we are I'm sure lots of other stuff has gone on but I've forgotten.
Will try and be better at keeping this up faithful readers.
Keep smiling
Marmite Girl xx
1 comment:
People do read your blog, don't stop now. Keep pushing forward Marmite Girl.
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