Growing old is inevitable...Growing up is optional!

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Like living in Tupperware

How rubbish is the weather at the moment I feel like I'm living in a piece of tupperware! Never mind only two weeks before I go off to Africa on safari, I have just started on the Malaria pills and I have to say the side affects are horrible, my mouth tastes like mothballs and I feel sick and headachy, I think Malaria wouldn't be so bad (well apart from the possible death bit!) Still after spending half the year in hospital/off work I'm in a live for today type mood, so Africa is always somewhere I have wanted to go, and I am and buggar the expense.

While I'm away as I mentioned my lovely Brother is fitting a new kitchen for me, so I am attempting to box everything up, it's a nightmare, I have bought the paint and tiles and it's all systems go, he and my Dad have already taken out a few cupboards and a huge bit of work surface so cooking is out of the question, but at least I'm losing weight......always a silver lining eh?

Keep Smiling
Marmite Girl xx

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