a) I had just woken up
b) I thought I'd had a stroke, and
c) I had to be a contortionist to reach my mobile from the side of the bed to take the picture!!!
Actually I'm quite brave to publish it I think!

Well what's been happening?, not a lot really I did finally take the bull by the horns and cleaned out the cupboard of death, embarrassing it was, I think there was food in there from before the war, I found packets of jelly (2000) teabags (2002) breadcrumbs (1999) I could go on...... anyway it is now all sparkly and in order (AND EMPTY).
My Sister-in-Law wanted to go to Ikea to buy a mini table & chairs for Cara, I didn't need anything, but never pass up the chance to have those Swedish meatballs and jam! so we all went on Friday. Cara was a darling in the trolley, and we wandered around looking for the table & chairs. We stopped then for lunch, now the thing about Ikea is that they really do cater for families and children, so we found the little play area where Cara could play and we could sit and watch, we got the meatballs, of course then Cara didn't want to eat because she wanted to play! but we did anyway. Cara was trying to get on this little rocking thingy but was having a bit of trouble, I was on my way in to give her a hand, but this gorgeous little boy decided to help, so put his hand on the rocking thingy to steady it for her, the thing was Cara thought he was trying to take it from her, so she lamped him one!!!! I jumped in and told her she was naughty and the boy was only trying to help her and to say sorry to the little boy...."excuse me" said the little boy " but I am FIVE" I think this was his way of pointing out he wasn't a "little" boy. I took Cara out of the play area and confined her to the highchair, the "big" boy then came round the corner and said to us " you know she is a very naughty girl" I tried not to laugh but sprayed diet coke everywhere! We left the cafe shamed and being stared at by the parents of the other children, and carried on to the bit downstairs which has loads of cool kitchen stuff you will never use, but buy anyway!
I did my bit for the environment by getting those energy saving light bulbs, of course when I got them home they were the wrong ones! but I figured my carbon footprint would be more if I took them all the way back and swapped them, and they were only £3.
Went out for a curry with the girls last night, it was a kind of joint birthday do for Sarah and CJ, and we couldn't bear to watch Eurovision, although we did get back in time to watch a bit, it's not the singing it's the voting, it's all gone so political, I reckon the entries should just have numbers and no-one should know where they are from!!! Terry was a charm though as usual.
I am resisting the urge to mention Tony Blair......but did he have to give so much notice, I'm fed up already and now we have to wait until the end of June for all this hoo-hah to end. Enough I say ENOUGH!!
See this is what happens when you start typing, you think there's nothing to say but you keep going, upshot of this I've just made myself a bowl of porridge thinking it was 9.45am, but I've been at this so long I just realised it's 10.45am!!! I'll never eat my Sunday roast now! Oh well better scoff the porridge and get up to my folks to make the dinner, I can't believe it's Sunday again....time flies eh??
So there we are not much going on at all........mmm maybe I should take that photo off?????
Keep smiling
Marmite Girl xx
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